Who waits forever anyway?

Wandering through the streets…. just as I’m wandering through my own thoughts. My mind has been keeping this from me for too long. It should have bothered me the first time you didn’t ask me to explain a little closer what’s making me so sad. Now I see you’ll never really be there for me, how could you when you don’t understand a single thing that’s on my mind?
You ask me to explain.
How can I explain why I always love with all my heart?
How can I explain that my achieved fears have changed me from the inside out?
How can I explain what makes me feel alive?
How can I explain my essence of living?
How can I explain what makes my hand so cold to touch?

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There’s no time for us
There’s no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away
From us
Who dares to love forever?
When love must die
But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever

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K'o vrabac kišu predosetim
sapliće život da me podseti
da skoro će kraj da je šareni zmaj
jači od konca mog srećnog detinjstva.

I ne bih nikad rekao frka
u praznom džepu kad zbuni se ruka
samo ti trepni kao da me razumeš
i cela priča imaće smisla.

Ne boli me kad se drugi nasmeju
šta oni znaju samo da laju i puze
ali me boli kad nemaš ideju
šta da mi šapneš kada naviru suze.

Boli me žulj u čizmi ludih skitnica
boli me muk svih onih napuštenih ružnih ulica
bole me rane koje samom sebi napravim
al' nekako najviše me boliš ti.

U gradu što se nikad neće zvati mojim
previše mislim, dakle jedva da postojim
makar me slaži da me stvarno razumeš
kad dirnem zvekir na grudima tvojim.

Ne boli me ni kad se drugi nasmeju
šta oni znaju samo da laju i puze
ali me boli kad nemaš ideju
šta da mi kažeš kada naviru suze.

Boli me žulj u čizmi ludih skitnica
boli me muk svih onih napuštenih ružnih ulica
bole me rane koje samom sebi napravim
al' nekako najviše me boliš ti.

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by: bebach {the show must go on}

26.09.2009. u 11:22 | 1 Komentara | Print | # | ^

who can say where the road goes?

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Lying in the middle of a strange park
Drowning into a cold metal bench
Stars are so brighter here than home
Who can tell me how I ever got here?

I just don’t seem to be happy
No, my love, I’m not feeling misplaced
I belong in this world, of that I’m sure
Cause wondering through homestead still heals my soul

I’m just wondering if it could ever heal completely again
I remember walking through the same streets
It just used to have a different colour
While I knew that it’s you that I’m walking towards

While evening slowly starts to fall
I feel I’m disappearing with the dying sun
And every morning feels better than tomorrow
I think I finally realised why I’m never sad

I just don’t seem to be happy
No, my love, I’m not feeling sad
There’s nothing bothering me
I just feel I’ve lost too much that’s too close

I feel my soul’s cooling
with the last rays of sunshine slowly disappearing on my arms
And every time feels like the last
I’m not the person I was just a moment ago

And, my love, I just might die tonight

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I would tell you about the things
They put me through
The pain Ive been subjected to
But the lord himself would blush
The countless feasts laid at my feet
Forbidden fruits for me to eat
But I think your pulse would start to rush

Now Im not looking for absolution
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any conclusions
Try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

Youll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes

Morality would frown upon
Decency look down upon
The scapegoat fates made of me
But I promise you, my judge and jurors
My intentions couldnt have been purer
My case is easy to see

Im not looking for a clearer conscience
Peace of mind after what Ive been through
And before we talk of repentance
Try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

Youll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

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by: bebach {mo chuisle}

21.09.2009. u 18:35 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

nebo prima boju tvojih očiju

No words left unspoken. I said all I had to say to you. It's time for you to realize that. Our time just never came. And now...I'm not the girl who loved you. I'm not that little naive girl that would give anything for you and your love. I'm not...anymore. I've lived and died a hundred times 'till I found a soul and a life which you're not a part of. And I'm not gonna let you kill me again. You've already broken me beyond repair. Haven't you caused enough suffering? Now I know you love me. If I knew that a couple of years before my life would have been very different right now. Maybe I'd have still loved you. But I don't. I'll always feel something. But not love. I'm not strong enough to love you. And I'm very sorry you can't find a way to move on. But I did. And if you really love me, get as far away from me as you can.

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I'd been broken beyond repair
I'd been hurt beyond healing
I'd loved more than life itself
And I'll love again
Even if it crushes me down
'Cause that's what makes me feel alive

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Baby, have you seen, there is a snake in our paradise
A serpent that's wriggling between us
and freezing our feelings to ice

And with each drop of blood we bleed because of this
something so precious dies and it feels it really is...

Killing Me Killing You
Killing all we have
As our loves wither away

Burning Me Burning You
Burning us to ash
Drowning us in a sea of flames

Darling, do you feel, there is a storm coming our way
The burning light between us is already starting to fade

And with each drop of blood our shattered hearts ever bleed
something so precious dies and is lost eternally

Killing Me Killing You
Killing all we have
As our loves wither away

Burning Me Burning You
Burning us to ash
Drowning us in a sea of flames

Each teardrop from your eyes
Makes something inside me die
Each of these days that draws us apart
Takes a piece from my
Takes a piece from my heart

Kill me kill me kill me again with your love
and chase the storm away
Bring me bring me bring me the end with your love
and haunt the demons away

Killing Me Killing You

Killing Me Killing You
Killing all we have
as our loves wither away

Burning Me Burning You
Burning us to ash
drowning us in a sea of flames

Kill me kill me kill me again with your love
and chase the snake away
Bring me bring me bring me the end with your love
and haunt the serpent away

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by : bebach {keep me away from your light}

24.05.2009. u 10:39 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

slobodni pad

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Bio je to dan kada sam službeno proglašena heretikom.
Pitao me netko vjerujem li u Boga?
Bila sam samo dijete i bio je to prvi put da me netko tako nešto pitao. Zagledala sam se u križić na vratu, I rekla ne. Bila je to prva prekretnica u mom životu. Dva dana poslije počela sam slušati black metal.
Pa u što onda vjeruješ?
Javio se nemir u našem vjeronaučnom šestom be razredu.
Vjeruješ li u mir?
Ne vjerujem. Čovjek se mora sam znati izboriti za sebe I svoja uvjerenja. Ako se ne znaš sam boriti, samo si na teret društvu. Ako očekuješ da se netko bori za tebe, nećeš daleko dospjeti. Budimo realni, nisu svi jednaki niti će ikad biti.
Ti si onda kao neki sotonist jel?
Rekla sam da ne vjerujem u Boga. Znači da ne vjerujem ni u Sotonu. Ne vjerujem dakle ni u zagrobni život. Čovjek je sam stvaratelj svoje sudbine, svog života I svoje sreće. Sve što imamo leži ovdje. Ne živim po nikakvim uzvišenim moralnim načelima niti idejama o onozemaljskom raslojavanju društva prema dobroti. Nekako mi to nema smisla. Religija mi nikad nije imala previše smisla. Ne ovisim o nikome nego o sebi. Na duhovnoj razini, naravno. Ne dopuštam si poroke u životu, živim zdravo. Profesionalni sam sportaš te čovjek otvorenih vidika I jakog karaktera. Vidim svijet svojim očima, ne dopuštam da mi itko podmetne svoj svjetonazor. Odgovaram za svoje postupke ,makar ne razmislim uvijek dvaput prije njih. Pogreške su temelj učenja, zar ne?
Pa pobogu u što onda vjeruješ?
Vjerujem u sebe.

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Another mission
The powers have called me away
Another time
To carry my colors again
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend
To win the honor
Of coming back home again
No explanation
Will matter after we begin
Unlock the dark destroyer that's burried within
My true vocation
And now my unfortunate friend
You will discover
A war you're unable to win

I'll have you know
That I've become...

Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible Master of War!

Another reason
Another cause for me to fight
Another fuse uncovered
Now, for me to light
My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
With out a regret
A declaration
Embedded deep under my skin
A permanent reminder
Of how it began
No hesitation
When I am commanding the strike
You need to know
That you're in for the fight of your life

You will be shown
How I've become...

Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible Master of War!

[Guitar Solo]

Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I am indestructible (indestructible)

Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible Master of War!

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by : BEBACH {Uriel}

31.01.2009. u 20:32 | 2 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Becoming who we are

Svaki put kad vidim iste oči samo poželim da opet zajedno prođemo po tkalčićevoj I pravimo se da se ništa nije promijenilo. Da smo tek dvoje naivne djece zadovoljeni tu I tamo kojim prijateljskim zagrljajem. Da sam odustala prvi put kad mi je rekao da nije siguran isplati li se. Sad je prekasno…sad je prekasno…Govore mi…Upozoravaju me…da nemam što tražiti s njim…Ali svaki put kad ga pogledam u očima mu vidim isti odsjaj plave Michelin šilterice I nervozan smješak podkrijepljen aparatićem.
Sjećaš li se prvog zalaska sunca? Prve večeri kad smo shvatili da tu ne prestaje…Tako smo bili sigurni u našu ljubav. To je bio trenutak koji nas je odveo u vječnost. Promijenio nam živote. Zauvijek imamo nešto što nas veže. Samo nas.

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Bezbroj puta si me uvjerio da me voliš. Bezbroj puta si pobio tu tvrdnju. Bezbroj puta si me uvjerio da sam posebna. Bezbroj puta si lagao. Bezbroj puta si me uvjerio da smo stvoreni jedno za drugo. Bezbroj puta sam pokušala zavoljeti nekog drugog. Bezbroj puta sam vodila druge na naše mjesto. Pokušavajući izbrisati uspomenu na tebe. Sada se samo slatko smijem. Gledam u što si se pretvorio. Nisam to htjela.

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Sada si realizirana fantazija mojeg prevrtljivog uma. Nepouzdanih sjećanja. Pitam se jesi li ikad stvarno bio moj “Savršeni dečko”? Ili si I ti samo jedan u nizu onih kojima sam pokušavala zamijeniti nekog drugog? Ili u tebi samo vidim što želim vidjeti? Zapravo ne znam ništa o tebi. Ostao si sjena. San koji je prešao u stvarnost I tako srušio sve na putu. Neću ti to nikad više dopustiti.
Ako me pitaju reći ću da te odavno više ne volim. Hoću li lagati? Ne želim se opterećivati time.

Ostaješ posljednji I prvi.
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We used to swim the same moonlight waters
Oceans away from the wakeful day

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I will bleed forever

Scent of the sea before the waking of the world
Brings me to thee
Into the blue memory

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I will bleed forever

Into the blue memory

A siren from the deep came to me
Sang my name my longing
Still I write my songs about that dream of mine
Worth everything I may ever be

The Child will be born again
That siren carried him to me
First of them true loves
Singing on the shoulders of an angel
Without care for love n` loss

Bring me home or leave me be
My love in the dark heart of the night
I have lost the path before me
The one behind will lead me

Take me
Cure me
Kill me
Bring me home
Every way
Every day
Just another loop in the hangman`s noose

Take me, cure me, kill me, bring me home
Every way, every day
I keep on watching us sleep

Relive the old sin of Adam and Eve
Of you and me
Forgive the adoring beast

Redeem me into childhood
Show me myself without the shell
Like the advent of May
I`ll be there when you say
Time to never hold our love

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
You were the one to cut me
So I will bleed forever

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by : bebach {a darkened star reborn}

28.10.2008. u 14:11 | 9 Komentara | Print | # | ^

don't you cry

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Ne mogu s tobom
Ne mogu ti prepustiti svoju ljubav
Ne u ovom životu

Dat ću ti još ovu noć
A onda odlazim zauvijek
Sve što misliš da znaš o meni nestat će
Sutra smo potpuni stranci

Pogledaj na što smo se sveli
Možemo se truditi koliko želimo
Bolje od ovog ne ide
Samo si nanosimo bol

Znaš da dala bih sve
Da mogu vratiti vrijeme
Pitam se bi li bilo ovako?

Sada sjedimo zajedno na klupici
Držimo se za ruke
Ali to više nije to
Imamo svoje živote
U koje se ne uklapamo kao par
I svaki trenutak koji provedemo zajedno
Samo je bolna uspomena na prošlost

Samo te molim da se sjetiš ponekad
Svih čarobnih trenutaka
I onog što smo si značili
Sjeti me se kao davno izgubljenog prijatelja
Ne kao ljubav iz mladosti

Pjesme piši nekom drugom
Uguraj nekog u tu prazninu oko srca
I sjeti me se kao davno izgubljenog prijatelja

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Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer and when i wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bare my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

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by : BEBACH {I'll still be thinking of you}

15.10.2008. u 11:00 | 4 Komentara | Print | # | ^

as long as the purple raindrops keep falling

Obeć'o si mi bio brda i doline
Kad si kleknuo pred mene na rizol.
Reko : pokaži zvijezdu koju da ti skinem
S dvanaest se život činio kao švedski stol

A na nama je samo da odlučimo kamo
Sve će se drugo već nekako naći
Moj Superman s fudbalerkom će se
Već nekako snać

Dala bih sve te noći da, da ostaneš taj čovjek u mojim očima.

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Sada smo mladi odrasli ljudi i svijet više očito nije takav kakav je tada bio. No još uvijek se budim u suzama izgubljenih poljubaca i neproživljenih trenutaka. Bilo bi lijepo da je tako moglo ostati. Ali više me ne grije tvoj topli pogled i kasnonoćna pomisao da ću te sutra vidjeti. Više nismo ista djeca kojima je jedino na pameti kako će reći roditeljima da imaju curu/dečka. Sada imamo svoje živote. i očito sudbina nije htjela da nam se putevi poklope. Više ne žudimo jedno za drugim. Žudimo za životima kakve smo tada imali. Jer svaki put kad se sjetim…sjetim se i tebe. Znam da je i tebi tako. Ja nisam osoba koju tražiš i neću ti pružiti to što trebaš da bi se opet osjećao onako sretno kako si se osjećao tada.
Naravno da nije gotovo. Nikad neće biti. Jer svaki naš susret završi na istom mjestu. Jer ljudi oko nas ne razumiju zašto si ne pašemo SAVRŠENO.
Možda ne lažeš i zaista me voliš. No ja ne želim takvog čovjeka i takvu brigu u životu. Sada sam napokon dovoljno jaka da mogu i bez tebe.

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I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins
Like dolphins can swim
Though nothing
Will keep us together
We can beat them
For ever and ever
Oh we can be heroes
Just for one day

I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing
Will drive them away
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be us
Just for one day

I can remember
(I remember)
By the wall
(By the wall)
And the guards
Shout above our heads
(Over our heads)
And we kissed
As though nothing could fall
(Nothing could fall)
And the shame
Was on the other side
Oh we can beat them
For ever and ever
Then we can be heroes
Just for one day

We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes
We're nothing
And nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying
Then you better not stay
But we could be safer
Just for one day

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by : BEBACH {my home's in your arms}

27.09.2008. u 11:07 | 3 Komentara | Print | # | ^

My life is just a dark fairytale soap opera

one shit after another

What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger
Or the last time I used that as my final excuse I ended up with some serious posttraumatic scars?

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Dugo vremena sam nijekala. Nisam znala što zapravo želim. Ali žarko sam žudila za nečim…višim. Silno sam se bojala…što će biti…što ću napraviti. Samo sam željela izvući se i ostati svoja nakon svega. Željela sam pobjeći od svog sadašnjeg života i početi novi. Mislila sam da ne mogu dalje ovdje…ovako. Nitko nije znao. Nitko nije vidio kako plačem. Čak do zadnjeg puta kad sam istrčala odande spotičući se. Nikog zapravo nije bilo briga. Bilo mi je lakše samoj. I od trenutka kad sam se počela plakati u dnevnoj sobi iščekujući poziv. Kad sa izašla na sunce samo sam željela da na jedan trenutak mogu prestati voljeti. Mama zašto misliš da nisam mogla ustati pola sata? Jer mi je bio poznanik?
Još uvijek ne pričam o tome. Nasumično biram polu-prijatelje koji nisu ni svjesni što slušaju. Tako da...pravit ćemo se da ovaj post nije objavljen jelda?

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Two years ago was the first time I truly thought I could never go on with my life. Every hope died along with him. The strings of his coffin were always there with me holding me down. It got me so hard I couldn’t cry. So hard I couldn’t gather enough strength to tell anyone the true story about us. I had just one thing on my mind – I almost died with him. Although my life got almost back to normal, there will always be a thin line of sadness pulling me down to the ground as I try to walk and go on with my life. A part of my soul that he took along will never come back. No one could ever replace it.

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The gal dem Scalatchi...Sean da Paul
So me give it to...so me give to...so me give it to...to all girls
Five million and forty naughty shorty...
Baby girl...all my girls... all my girls...Sean da Paul sey...

Well woman the way the time cold I wanna be keepin' you warm
I got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm
Oh lord, gal I got the right tactics to turn you on, and girl I...
Wanna be the Papa...You can be the Mom....oh oh!

Make I see the gal them bruk out pon the floor from
you don't want no worthless performer
From you don't want no man wey can't turn you on gal
make I see your hand them up on ya..
Can't tan pon it long.....naw eat no yam...no
steam fish....nor no green banana
But down in Jamaica we give it to you hot like a sauna..

Bumper exposed and gal you got your chest out but you
no wasters cause gal you impress out...
And if you des out a me you fi test out,Cause I got the
remedy to make you de-stress out....
Me haffi flaunt it because me God Bless out...And girl
if you want it you haffi confess out...
A no lie weh we need set speed a fi test the mattress out..

Gal don't say me crazy now, this Strangelove it
a no Bridgette and Flava show..
Time fi a make baby now so stop gwaan like you a act shady yo...
Woman don't play me know, cause a no Fred Sanford nor Grady yo....
My lovin' is the way to go...my lovin' is the way to go.....

When you roll with a player like me...with a
bredda like me girl there is no other
No need to talk it right here just park it right here keep it undercover
From me love how you fit inna you blouse and you fat
inna you jeans and mi waan discover..
Everything out you baby girl can you hear when me utter...

A thirteen-year-old girl shouldn’t have gone through that completely alone. A fifteen-year-old girl shouldn’t have scars that cut so deep.

by : bebach {no idea what I've been through}

22.09.2008. u 18:52 | 1 Komentara | Print | # | ^

I uvijek nosi svoje lice

{that's how you make me feel}

Tek pokoji obećavajući pogled nebesko plavih očiju
volim tu sliku
Tek pokoje mutno sjećanje na pokoji poljubac u obraz i zagrljaj
trenutak duži od prijateljskog
Tek pokoji nervozni smješak pod jarkim svjetlima šetnice
osjećam to
Tek pokoji meki poljubac u ovoj prozirnoj noći
svaki kao da je prvi
Tek pokoji ovjekovječeni trenutak spojenih usana praćen nesigurnim pogledima
tako si mi blizu

Slobodni smo

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Take my hand and lead me to the promised lands of our grey city…you’re not going home anyway. Keep my smile on. Save the hug for just a few more moments…don’t let go. Show me the unseen moments and the lights that burn when all other fade. Show that life of yours that I don’t understand. Show me your dark side. Open your so called good and innocent soul. We’re too young to waste words and hours on meaningless conversations surrounded by cheap pleasures. I know you can do better. Show me the night.

Jeste li znali da ljudi s plavim očima ne mogu lagati?
Jer im se malo dubljim pogledom kroz oči vidi duša.

I ne daj da se sutra ne vidimo

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Ti si premlada
A ja sam prestar za čekanje
Miris u zraku mekan je
Otkada tvoje sreo sam oći
San ove noći

Apokalipso sviraju
Crni i znojni anđeli
S cvjetom u kosi
Ritam te nosi
Dobit ću sve što zaželim

Sad uzmi mi ruku i vodi me
Pred nama nisu godine
Al mogu biti najdulji sati
Rado te pratim
Vodi me

Anđeli nek se odmore
A u nebeske ponore
Mi ćemo skupa
Padati znati
Otvori širom prozore

Ti si ta koju sanjam
Ja sam taj kojeg oduvijek znaš
Više nemamo želja
Jer sad plovimo do beskraja

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by : BEBACH {no time to dream}

30.08.2008. u 11:19 | 12 Komentara | Print | # | ^

No more rising

Ponovno…gubim tvoj glas. Sjedeći pored tebe, glazba u mojim ušima postaje sve glasnija, a pokreti tvojih usana prazni. Gubim te…kako najviše boli. Gubim te svakim danom, sa svakim zagrljajem…sa svakim pogledom koji moram isponova proživljavati. Sa svakom suzom koju ne mogu zaustaviti. Gubim tvoju ljubav…iako se trudimo i ja i ti da ostane. Gubim te sasvim tiho…sa svakom tabletom i sa svakom “prvom injekcijom”. Da mogu, vezala bih te da se ne otrgneš…no sasvim tiho…kliziš mi iz prstiju. Jesam li zadnja koja te drži? Ne mogu ići dovoljno duboko da te ovaj put izvučem. Svaki udah nevinog mirisa tvoje kose kao da je zadnji. Svaki put kad te vidim opraštam se s tobom…samo čekajući koji će put stvarno biti zadnji. Samo mirno čekam na stolici pored tebe da riječi potpuno izblijede…a usne se prestanu micati.

They’re just shadows
They’re just smoke
Come and go as the hours go by
But sister, you and me…we are forever

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It’s pure fear
When you don’t know what to expect from tomorrow
When there’s no choice
But to stand there and watch
Cause I don’t want to leave you
But I don’t know am I strong enough for this

It’s pure fear
When you know you’re losing
But you can’t give up
It’s worse then death
To question your every word
The fear of finding something new
I don’t wanna listen
But I can’t live in a lie

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Remember when we used to look how sun sets far away?
And how you said: "This is never over"
I believed your every word and I guess you did too
But now you're saying : "Hey, let's think this over"

You take my hand and pull me next to you, so close to you
I have a feeling you don't have the words
I found one for you, kiss your cheek, say bye, and walk away
Don't look back 'cause I am crying...

I remember little things you hardly ever do
Tell me why
I don't know why it's over
I remember shooting stars, the walk we took that night
I hope your wish came true, mine betrayed me

You let my hand go, and you fake a smile for me
I have a feeling you don't know what to do
I look deep in your eyes and hesitate a while...
Why are you crying?

Tallulah, It's easier to live alone than fear the time it's over, oo-ooh...
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me, oh, Tallulah,
This could be... heaven

I see you walking hand in hand with long-haired drummer of the band
In love with her or so it seems, he's dancing with my beauty queen
Don´t even dare to say you hi, still swallowing the goodbye
But I know the feelings still alive, still alive

I lost my patience once, so do you punish me now
I'll always love you, no matter what you do
I'll win you back for me if you give me a chance
But there is one thing you must understand

Tallulah, It´s easier to live alone than fear the time it´s over
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me ,oh, Tallulah,
This could be...

Tallulah, It´s easier to live alone than fear the time it´s over
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me ,oh, Tallulah,
This could be...

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by : bebach {I never seem to understand}

25.08.2008. u 14:35 | 3 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Komentari da/ne?


ne, niste pogriješili adresu
dobro, možda i jeste
ali sada je prekasno
ovdje ste na vlastitu odgovornost
za počinjene suicide ne odgovaram


cijenjeno ime : Mateja
godine : 15
mjesto : STC metropola
škola : spogizubo
sport : tenis
zanimanje : klošar, metalac, profi pubertetlija
muzika : metal (bendovi na dnu boxeva)
kontakt : za msn se javite u komentarima (pričate sa mnom na vlastitu odgovornost)
mračna tajna : imam fetiš na časne sestre i u slobodno vrijeme ih vrebam ispred katedrale, koljem i mažnjavam odore

moj spejs

poznajem (il ne poznajem) :

drug dodo
raina astralia (bivša vila pustinje) - novi blog
pipo blog
dedmenzbody (ramona)
teen spirit
snow white queen - moj najveći fan XD
klinka naivna

RIP (fallen bloggers) - dragi ljudovi, više ne pišu blog
vila pustinje
bezimeni blog
HC official drinker (Nel)
maggotsystem (geno)

"I run this world alone
A song stuck in my mind
Are you feeling alright?
Don't mind if you ask me once

Discover me like emptiness
A defense for a broken heart
Still offers a smile to the world betrayed...

Always close to the drop
Disappear with yesterday
Cure this dream that makes me fall

Blame me...
Escape me...
Well it's you who walked away
Tie me...
For my sake
To the dream that haunts you"

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"Pour the emerald wine
Into crystal glasses
We will touch the divine
Through kisses catharsis

Let us pitch to the seven-year itch
Of the ultra-decadent
To a tainted world and the painted girls
That our fantasies spent

Tripping through boudoirs laced with opiate themes
Sipping the bizarre, tasting copious dreams
A toast to those most sacrilegious of days
Where for every whim won
One soon repays

We touched the stars
That now laugh from afar
At we, the damned
The damned
The damned
The damned

We have spent our time
Drenched in opulent splendour
But when midnight chimes
Will gilded souls surrender?

Let us drink on the giddying brink
Of pools of excrement
All manner of shit for the glamour and glitz
Mephistopheles lent

I remember the night as if it were engraved
A bright marble bridge stretched across the dark waves
To the shore from the moon and by her grace
Came that erudite stranger
That fucker

He was a predator, creditor cold
Our blood was shed on the yellowing scroll
And all that glittered was not gold
But we wanted everything
And for it all, lost our souls

Come my friend, to fate let's raise
Two finger shots at this our last soiree
For tomorrow I fear
Swoops all too deadly near
This precipitous weir to Hell's high gate"

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"Hand of fate is moving and the finger points to you
He knocks you to your feet and so what are you gonna do
Your tongue has frozen now you've got something to say
The piper at the gates of dawn is calling you his way

You watch the world exploding every single night
Dancing in the sun a newborn in the light
Say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death
Hello to eternity and live for every breath

Your time will come"

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"The razor caressed my flesh
and my arms turned red, I feel a vast desire
Years of pain are flowing down my arms.
Sweet, red, warm stream you drink, make me released
Give me your hand, let me make you feel the ease,
in the bed of razors we bleed together..."

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"Don't turn away
I pray you've heard
The words I've spoken
Dare to believe
For one last time
And then I'll let the

Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own

Carry me away
I need your strength
To get me through this
Dare to believe
For one last time
And then I'll let the

Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own"

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"When I was wandering in the desert and was searching for the truth .
I heard a choir of angels calling out my name.
I had the feeling that my life would never be the same again
I turned my face towards the barren sun.

And I know, of the pain, that you feel the same as me.
And I dream, of the rain, as it falls upon the leaves.
And the cracks, in our lives, like a cracks upon the ground.
They are sealed, and are now, washed away.

You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away.
You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears."

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"Lay beside me, tell me what they've done
Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my demons run
The door is locked now, but it's opened if you're true
If you can understand the me, then I can understand the you

Lay beside me, under wicked sky
Black of day, dark of night, we share this paralyze
The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still, but there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn to stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there"

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"Fare thee well, little broken heart
Downcast eyes, lifetime loneliness

Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone

Constant longing for the perfect soul
Unwashed scenery forever gone

No love left in me
No eyes to see the heaven beside me
My time is yet to come
So I'll be forever yours"

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"You're looking at me why
Sort of like a leper vibe
Okay for your kind
But it's too good for me

And a hey I know I'm
Never gonna qualify
For all the bullshit
Of your social degrees

Oh look down your noses at me
Hating my identity
Oh but that don't mean a damn thing you see
'Cause down here in hell everybody loves me

Hey I know I'm anti-social
'Cause you act like I'm infected
With some atrocity

And though I know I'm
Every bit the same inside
My face don't fit
It's like I've got some disease

Oh you keep your face turned away
To strip me of identity
Oh still got my fortune and fame
'Cause down here in Hell everyone knows my name"

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cradle of filth

dimmu borgir
sonata arctica
ebony tears
children of bodom
in flames
hladno pivo
amon amarth
iron maiden

stone sour
within temptation
judas priest
infernal tenebra
linkin park
breaking benjamin
alice cooper
my dying bride
blind guardian